Friday, October 17, 2008

Michaela meets two Paladins

I guess I should introduce myself - my name's Mike. Michaela actually but only Frank calls me that. I'm a little over a hundred and a vampire. I recently took my first vacation and went to visit some really sweet, hunky, almost immortal and computer geeks - like me.

I drove from Mobile to St. Louis - there I met with Jake. Really sweet, funny guy. We went out for drinks and he was surprised that I could eat "real" food. (eyeroll) We found a nice secluded garden area and talked till almost sunrise. Since I didn't feel like getting 3rd degree burns, and he's a sweetheart - he let me stay at his place while he was at work.

The next evening I caught a flight to Seattle and met DJ. Hunky, almost immortal, computer geek #2. Boy Howdy! That man knows how to dance! Too bad I had to come back to Mobile and work. Maybe now that I'm getting email from two hunks Jonathon will stop being a prick.

I didn't bite either guy. I don't do that on a first date. But I sure was tempted! If they'll invite me to visit again - and I'm not busy carting dead vampire carcasses to the bay for the gators... we'll get together again.

1 comment:

Bonnie Edwards said...

Wow, what great pics. Thanks so much for bringing me here. Love those Paladins.
